Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Getting ready to leave

SO I am getting ready to leave for my trip to Vellore. I will be spending 3 weeks with 5 other students in my class at the Christian Medical College in Vellore, India which is in southeast India. A school started by a woman who returned to America for medical school after witnessing women dying giving birth due to the cultural beliefs in not allowing men to see women. She than returned to India to start this school to train people, especially women. It is a well known school throughout India and beyond, as students from all over the world come to do rotations as we are.
I have taken my Typhoid pills, all 4 of them. I hope the little bugs were still alive when I took them. They are supposed to stay cold and in the fridge at all times. My lovely fiance' brought them over to me from his house and threw them in the back seat - good place for them. About 4 hours later I noticed them in disbelief. So if during this trip my words become not so coherent, we know why.
Scott, the other guy besides Paul going with us left today. We had to come up with a place to meet to all get on the bus together to Vellore on Sunday. A hard thing to do when you have no idea what the airport is like or where a possibility to meet would be. I have read some of the other blogs from years prior with some help.
I'm hoping to be able to help others as they prepare for their trip as well, since we are the first to go this year.
We will see if all 6 of us meet up for the bus trip to Vellore.
I bought a nice chain to chain my bag up in the hotel, since this is what we were told to do. Although I am not sure what I am going to chain my bag to. All great things to find out.
I am excited for the great food and awesome culture. Just last month Paul and I went to an traditional Indian wedding, and it was such an amazing experience. The food, the dress, the beautiful colors -- it was all so nice. I think this was a great way for us to start to think more about the Indian culture.
I am hoping to be able to post some pictures as I go along. It seems that lots of people in the past had problems with this, so I hope I will be able to. More pics can speak more than words.
Hope you will enjoy this priceless experience with me!!


Demetrius and Amy said...


Haven said...

Wow! You are full of adventures! Have fun and be safe. We are all becoming multicultural living vicariously through you!!! Can't wait to see the pictures! Haven

Cynthia said...

What a great opportunity for you! It is great seeing you take opportunities that are available to do different things. Not many people can say they went to school in Vellore, India! An MD at work is from India and I asked him what he knew about Vellore. He said it is hot and humid and that there is a very good school there, a medical college. So, it is well known.
Gods blessings on your travel and learning.
love Gary and Cynthia

Cynthia said...

I am very interested in your writings about cases and diseases. I like how you educate the reader with how the pt presents, the signs and symptoms and then the diagnosis. I'd love to hear more. I also like your outfit.
Take care.
love Cynthia